10 High Blood Pressure Signs You Should NEVER Ignore!

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, and it is the number two cause of kidney failure in the US. Worldwide. Over 1 billion people have hypertension, and in the United States, 46% of adults over the age of 20 have high blood pressure. Blood pressure refers to the force that the blood in your vessels exerts on the walls of your arteries. For your blood pressure measurement, you’re probably familiar with the two numbers. The top number or systolic blood pressure and the bottom number, diastolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure refers to the pressure in your vessels when the heart is contracting or squeezing. The diastolic blood pressure refers to the pressure in your vessels when the heart is relaxed.Normal or healthy blood pressure is when that top number is less than 120 and that bottom number, the diastolic, is less than 80.You have elevated blood pressure if the systolic is between 120 and 129, while the diastolic is still less than 80.You have stage one hypertension if that top number is between 130 and 139 and, or the diastolic number is between 80 and 89. And you have stage two hypertension if the systolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140, and if that diastolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 90 and then you have a whole hypertensive crisis if your blood pressure is 180 over 120.When you have hypertension, a headache or even pounding in the ears can be a symptom. If you have hypertension, especially if it’s very high, you can have elevated pressure pushing against the arteries within your brain. your brain. This can cause a headache or even a sensation of pounding in the ears.Blurry vision or change in vision can also be a symptom of hypertension. In your eyes, you have a retina. They’re at the back of your eyes and they have many, many, many small blood vessels. When you have very elevated blood pressure, especially chronically, then these vessels can be damaged or compromised and you can get something called hypertensive retinopathy. These tiny blood vessels in the backs of your eyes can even bleed and this can lead to blurry vision. You can also have increased pressure in your eyes related to hypertension, which can cause blurry vision. And if the blood flow to the retina happens to be compromised or even if it stops, then you can actually have a loss of vision.Fatigue or excess tiredness or even confusion can be symptoms of high blood pressure for many reasons. When you have hypertension, it can compromise your heart or the way that your heart pumps blood and oxygen flow to your body. This certainly can cause fatigue. You can also have a compromise of your lungs or the way that you oxygenate, which again, can cause fatigue. And certainly, you can have neurological symptoms related to the high blood pressure, again causing fatigue.
10 High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Should Never Ignore