Jay-z and Beyonce’s plant based diet

According to Delish, Beyoncé avoids red meat, doesn’t snack too often, and avoids sweets and desserts (at least, most of the time). Armed with that knowledge, I decided to try my best to focus on vegan and plant-based foods for the week but felt reassured knowing that if I slipped up once or twice, it wasn’t going…

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Relieve Stress & Anxiety with Simple Breathing Techniques

Breathing exercises can be a great way to help relieve stress and anxiety. This video focuses on two relaxing breathing techniques: Square breathing (aka box breathing, 4×4 breathing, 4-part breath, etc.) and Pursed breathing. More breathing exercises: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7-CA…

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What type of exercise is best for my health?

Participants engage in personalized exercise programs 3 times per week for 1 year: 1) aerobic exercise, 2) resistance exercise, 3) a combination of both, or 4) delayed, preferred exercise (wherein participants receive a 1-year supervised exercise program of their choice after the study).  All exercise is monitored by an innovative exercise training computer system.  Everyone receives individual counseling…

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How diet can improve teen health

Good nutrition is vital for healthy development, and creating a “healthy food environment” also helps young people to develop habits that will set them up for a healthy life, says Senior Lecturer (Human Nutrition) Dr Anita Lawrence. https://www.youtube.com

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The Health Benefits of a Cucumber

5 basic benefits of cucumbers: 1. Cucumbers may help stabilize blood sugars 2. Cucumbers may help stabilize cholesterol  3. Cucumbers have anti-inflammatory properties  4. Cucumbers are loaded with powerful antioxidants  5. Cucumbers provide fiber to make butyrate (butyrate can help with insulin resistance)  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHoyMm1ncVdhUzQ0Tnkxd29QQ19Ib21QUndrd3xBQ3Jtc0tuUm16SjNjZnNHaE5QRl9pVHdaeTZUVGFtLWhJVTVWZUZpcE1KZ0tQNk9QdWlRWWdyOUJtQlRzQmwtQVpYamM1eGNFN2ZYMk94UmQ3alpNQy1hMWl6VlhXMHZKa0ZzYmNJWmFkc0tTT3VDUUR0WVMxVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3lkw2FY

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