What type of exercise is best for my health?

The Physical Activity Epidemiology Lab conducts human research on the effects of lifestyle physical activity, sedentary behaviour, resistance and aerobic exercise training, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscular strength, on various health outcomes such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer, sarcopenia, and cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in adults and older adults. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnI5Z29FNFp6LUtCZDFoY0FndV9CZnBid0ktQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQVZzcDhtNmZzZ2tWVmVLZE5qYkJSWHRCVTNuMUs0elNOMk14YW1jdWhDVVRWTEo1UXVGLTlnakNGZHlpMnBrRTZuc0VfLUlFRTBreUlmUF8tZW5ZUk12aUdobGZOT0xLd0JCQ1J0VXZ1STRiMDZDaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fresearch.hs.iastate.edu%2Fcardiorace%2F

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4 Tricks to Sleep All Night Like a Baby

How to get rid of insomnia? Once you don’t get enough sleep, that’s it. People seem terribly annoying, work stalls, and the future seems unattractive. To make these sleep hygiene improvements more approachable, we’ve broken them into four categories: Creating a Sleep-Inducing Bedroom Optimizing Your Sleep Schedule Crafting a Pre-Bed time Routine Fostering Pro-Sleep Habits…

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13 Stress Management Techniques

Step 1: Awareness! Learn about your “Low Zone.”Stress has a way of becoming chronic as the worries of everyday living weigh us down.  Or perhaps you’ve become accustomed to stress in your life, and you allow whatever is currently the most stressful problem to dictate what you will do each day.  Everyone needs pleasure, productivity and…

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