13 Stress Management Techniques

1) The best way to cope with unhealthy stress is to recognize when your stress levels are increasing. While we often think of stress as the result of external events, the events themselves are not necessarily stressful. It is the way each individual interprets and reacts to an event that produces stress. For example, public…

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Tips for Managing Stress

Stressors can include health matters, work, money, family issues, racism or gender inequality, and regular daily hassles. With unrelenting or too many stressors, your body might be on a constant state of high alert, leading to poor concentration, bad moods, professional burnout, and mental and physical health problems. When stress becomes chronic, the body cannot…

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12 – Diet & Nutrition For COPD

Adequate nutrients within calorie needs Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages within and among the basic food groups while choosing foods that limit the intake of saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and alcohol. Meet recommended intakes within energy needs by adopting a balanced eating pattern, such as the USDA Food Guide or the…

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