6 Natural Medicines for Brain Health | Jim Kwik

Many of the ingredients in brain health supplements have been tied to brain health in some way. But much of the evidence comes from research on food and diet, not supplements, Smith says. “There are more than 25,000 bioactive substances in food, which work together to protect your body including your brain and processes that…

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Yoga For Flexibility | 16 Minute Practice | Yoga With Adriene

Flexibility is one of the key elements of good physical health. Over time, though, your body may lose flexibility due to aging, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, or improper posture and movement habits. If you’re ready to boost your flexibility, regularly practicing yoga, whether at a class or at home, may be one of the best waysTrusted…

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The HEALING Power of CUCUMBER | Dr. Mandell

The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated “gourd” and member of the Cucurbitaceae plant family. Cucumbers have been studied most in regard to their diuretic effects. This has earned them a reputation as a healing food in both traditional folk medicine and modern medicine. Technically, is a cucumber a fruit or a vegetable? It’s actually a fruit, although treated…

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