The 10 WARNING Signs of Dementia

Dementia is a term used to describe a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with your daily life. It isn’t a specific disease, but several diseases can cause dementia. Though dementia generally involves memory loss, memory loss has different causes. Having memory loss alone doesn’t mean you have…

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Simple Lymphatic Massage for the Head, Face and Neck

 There are two main techniques to employ for a scalp tension massage, just as there are with other modes of massage therapy, and they each can be performed with a lighter touch using repetitive motions to achieve the same effect. Most scalp massages would include a combination of these methods to ease any tension and invite…

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10 Fruits That Are Natural Medicines for Your Health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential, and a balanced diet is one of the key factors. By adding fruits to your diet, you can boost your health and prevent many diseases. Each of these 10 fruits has unique health benefits, including improving intestinal function, aiding digestion, boosting the immune system, regulating blood pressure, preventing heart…

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The MOST Important Video for Pregnant Women

Many people think that if they have bad genes, they just have to cope with the situation. But, you can control your genes through epigenetics by committing to different lifestyle changes. The most crucial time to eat right is when you’re pregnant. During this time, the baby is entirely dependent on the mother’s nutrients. If…

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