5 Things You Need To Know About Your Heart – Heart Health

There are four chambers (each chamber holds about 70 ml of blood) in the human heart. The total volume of the heart is therefore approximately 4 times that value, or 280 ml. There is upper right and left atria and there is lower right and left ventricle. Each of these chambers has a one-way valve which is positioned at its exit. These valves prevent blood from flowing backwardThe heart can be divided into two parts; the left and the right heart. The right heart includes the right atrium and the right ventricle while the left heart includes the left atrium and the left ventricle.The blood inside of the heart flows only in one direction. The four valves (tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral and aortic) in the heart help keep the blood flow in check. The blood enters the heart through the right atrium and then moves to the right ventricle where it is pumped to the lungs. And after picking up oxygen from the lungs, it moves to the left atrium and then leaves it for the left ventricle where it is finally supplied to the body. The heart pumps out about 70 ml of blood with each beat. [Note: an average adult body with a weight of 150 to 180 pounds will contain approximately 4.7 to 5.5 liters (1.2 to 1.5 gallons) of blood.There are three layers of the heart wall: Epicardium (the outermost layer), myocardium (the muscular middle layer) and endocardium (the inner layer). The function of Epicardium is to protect the inner layers and to assist in the production of pericardial fluid.
71 Interesting Facts About Human Heart