Best Strategies to STOP Overeating

Breaking the cycle of overeating requires focus and dedication, but the benefits are worth it, says psychologist Susan Albers, PsyD.
“It’s very important when you think of your health, well-being and quality-of-life,” Dr. Albers says.
“People often talk about how they don’t feel good in their bodies when they overeat,” she notes. “Their energy is lower. They stress about weight gain, and they rob themselves of opportunities to do things with others because they worry about overeating.”Sit down when you eat. It’s easier to get distracted and lose track of what you’re eating when you stand or walk around.
Don’t multitask. Avoid working at your desk while you eat, for instance.
Savor your food. Pay attention to its taste, texture and smell. Actively decide whether you like it or you’re eating it just because it’s there.
Take your time. Chew slowly. Put your fork down between bites. Slowing your pace reduces the likelihood you’ll overeat.
Check in with your hunger. Intentionally reassess whether you’re still hungry several times during meals to determine when you’re full.Try to identify the habits that derailed your efforts. And don’t let them lead you to self-sabotage. Remember why you’re eating and concentrate on your levels of hunger and fullness.“If that’s the case, consult your primary care doctor or a psychologist. There could be an underlying medical issue involved,” she says.
Ruled by Food? 5 Strategies to Break the Cycle of Overeating