Dangerous Foods Your Cat Should Never Eat

Caffeine is also very toxic and dangerous for the cat so all drinks containing it (coffee, tea, soda etc.) are strongly discouraged. The average toxic dose is 8 teaspoons for a cat. The clinical signs following ingestion of caffeine resemble those of chocolate poisoning:
hyperactivity / muscle tremors / convulsions
diarrhea, vomitingAll grapes, fresh and dry, are dangerous for the cat. The mechanism of this toxicity is not known but is the cause of acute renal failure that develops within 2-3 days of ingestion and can be fatal.
This intoxication is more reported in dogs where the indicated toxic dose is between 10 and 50 grams per kg of body weight. Digestive symptoms appear within hours of eating grapes, especially vomiting and marked nausea.Whether raw or cooked, garlic and especially onions contain sulfur compounds highly toxic to the cat causing the destruction of its red blood cells (hemolysis). The toxic dose used for the dog is 5 to 10 g of onions per kg of body weight and the cat is even more sensitive.
One of the peculiarities of this intoxication is that it can appear several days after ingestion, with a progressive implementation of clinical signs: fatigue, digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea) and/or respiratory, anemia and dark or brown coloring urine (the most typical sign for hemolysis).

Note that small pots for babies often contain onions and must be kept away from cats.
8 Top Dangerous Foods for Cats: Avoid Giving to Your Cats