Does a Kidney Cleanse Work | A Kidney Doctor Explains

Detox diets and cleanses often suggest replacing solid foods with drinks like special water, tea or fruit and vegetable juices. While popular on social media, the effects of detoxes and cleanses haven’t been backed up by any substantial scientific research. The health benefits of green tea are well-documented. A medical literature review offers a snapshot of those benefits, linking the consumption of green tea to: 
Cancer prevention. 
Fighting heart disease
Lower blood pressure
Anti-inflammatory treatment
Weight loss
Lower cholesterol
Good stuff, that green tea. Does that mean you should drink it by the gallon to cleanse your whole system and make you radiant? Not exactly. 
“Green tea is caffeinated, so you want to be careful about not overdoing it,” Patton says. “Also, drinking an excessive quantity of green tea or taking high dosages of green tea supplements is linked to upset stomachs, liver disease, bone disorders and other issues.”  At least one study shows that because “juicing” is commonly associated with a low consumption of calories, it can lead to some quick weight loss. But the effects aren’t likely to last. And those little juice bottles can be costly. Some people claim that drinking water laced with lemon, appWater makes up 60% of your body and is super important for your body to function properly.  le cider, cayenne pepper or other additives will do amazing things for you. Clearer skin! Weight loss! Better poops! If flavoring your water with a little cucumber — or vinegar for that matter — is your thing, go for it. Just don’t expect any miracles. 
Careful, too, not to drink excessive amounts of water. If you drink so much your pee is constantly clear you’re overdoing it and could be losing out on electrolytes and salt your body needs, Patton says. The basic rule of thumb is to aim for drinking 64 ounces of fluid a day to keep your system operating at peak efficiency. Cleanses aren’t effective for long-term weight loss,” she continues. “The weight you lose from a cleanse is a result of losing water, carbohydrate stores and stool, which all return after you resume a regular diet.” 
For athletes, losing carbohydrate stores means losing your body’s preferred fuel source during exercise. So, a cleanse isn’t appropriate while training for any sport. If you choose to do a cleanse or detox, do so for no more than two days during a recovery week when you are doing little to no exercise. “A balanced diet of whole foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes is healthy for your entire body,” Patton says. “Your body is built to take care of business, and fueling it with healthy foods will help you achieve the results you’re looking for.” 
Do Detoxes and Cleanses Actually Work?