Eat 1 Banana A Day & See The 12 POWERFUL Benefits On Your Health

Bananas are a tasty and convenient source of some important nutrients. People have grown this tropical fruit since ancient times, and its health benefits have been promoted for more than a century.  


  • Can be found at your grocery store all year long
  • Are easily stored
  • Come in their own yellow carrying case when you’re on the go

A medium banana gives you 422 milligrams, which is 9% of what you need every day. This mineral is a big player in heart healthPotassium-rich foods help manage your blood pressure because they help you get rid of more sodium when you pee. Potassium also relaxes the walls of your blood vessels, which helps lower your BP. 

  • May lower your risk of stroke
  • Can help keep your bones healthy as you age
  • Helps your muscles work better
  • Can help prevent kidney stones

But if you have kidney problems, too much potassium isn’t good for you. Check with your doctor to see how much you should have.