Hand Acupressure Points Before Bed Gets You to Sleep Fast & Deeply | Dr. Mandell

Activating these points has provided me with restful sleep at the touch of a pressure point. My favorite aspect of using hand acupressure points for sleep is that they can safely be combined with other methods of sleep enhancement, and it feels like a very calming nighttime ritual. I practice using these points nightly in conjunction with deep breaths, and I have found that my quality of sleep has greatly improved.
Acupressure addresses sleep disorders both directly and indirectly. By massaging certain acupoints before bedtime, you can succeed in falling asleep faster and have a higher quality of sleep without the need for sedatives.
Sleep disorders affect the ability to sleep well on a regular basis. Most commonly caused by stress and certain health problems, sleep disorders are becoming increasingly common, with more than 75 percent of Americans aged 20 to 59 reporting sleep difficulties regularly.
You can easily use acupressure to sleep better too, and here are the points and information you’ll need!There are different types of sleep disorders which may reduce the amount of quality sleep while also making you sleepy throughout the day. Although the symptoms of a sleep disorder can vary depending on the severity and type of sleep disorder, they generally include:
Difficulty falling or staying asleep;
Daytime fatigue;
Strong need for naps during the day;
Anxiety or irritability;
Lack of concentration;
Impaired work or school performance;
Weight gain; and
Sleep disorders can occur because of a variety of circumstances and health conditions. The factors which can cause sleep disorders vary between:
Physical (such as pain);
Medical (such as asthma);
Psychiatric (such as stress, anxiety, and depression); 
Environmental (such as light, noise, or extreme temperatures);
Age-related (young age and old age can affect sleep);
Lifestyle-related (coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol); and
Medication-related (drugs that cause sleeplessness or daytime fatigue).Acupressure stems from Chinese traditional medicine. It is a non-invasive, safe, and effective method for the treatment of various physical and psychological ailments which is based on the principles of acupuncture. 
In terms of sleep, it addresses many physical and mental aspects which can interfere with it. It can help you to fall asleep more easily and sleep better once you do, as the sleep-related acupoints serve to calm the mind and the body.
Although it is an ancient practice, it has not been until recently that the scientific community started to confirm the effects of acupressure on insomnia. Ranging from children all the way to cancer patients and the elderly, this technique has been shown to improve the general quality of sleep and reduce the need for sedatives.
A recent study, for example, looked at how acupressure affected insomnia in adolescents at the age of around 15 years old. The researchers found that acupressure helps not only to fall asleep more easily, but also to remain asleep efficiently.This acupoint is one of the best acupressure points for sleep apnea and sleep disorders caused by a stressed, irritated mind. It helps to calm the mind, relax the central nervous system, relieve anxiety, depression, fear, panic attacks, and insomnia. It is also excellent for sinusitis.
It is located between the eyebrows, where the bridge of the nose connects to the forehead. 