How To Instantly Fix Knee Pain When Going Up And Down Stairs

This condition is more commonly known as “runner’s knee” and occurs when the cartilage under the kneecap is damaged. Chondromalacia may be caused by several factors, including:
Trauma to the patella
Dislocation of the kneecap
Overuse of the knee joint
Misalignment of the kneecap
Rheumatoid arthritis
The symptoms of runner’s knee are best described as a dull ache in the front or middle of the knee joint behind the kneecap. The pain is usually worse when going up and down stairs, as well as sitting for long periods with the knees bent. This condition may also cause the knee joint to catch or give out. If you are experiencing pain while climbing the stairs, this may be a tell-tale sign of chondromalacia.Osteoarthritis of the knee is a condition in which the cartilage that cushions the knee joint breaks down. This condition is caused by a combination of wear and tear and aging. As the cartilage in the knee joint breaks down, the space between the bones in the knee begins to narrow. This may cause several symptoms, including:
Pain in the knee joint that is worse with activity
Stiffness and swelling in the knee joint
A grating or creaking sensation
Limited mobility
Locking or catching of the knee joint
Osteoarthritis is a progressive condition, meaning it will worsen over time. As the symptoms of osteoarthritis progress, you may find it increasingly difficult to walk upstairs. Using proper form is key to preventing further damage to the knee joint. When going upstairs, be sure to:
Use your whole foot to step on each stair
Keep your knees aligned with your toes
Avoid putting all of your weight on one leg
Push off each step from your heel
Furthermore, using handrails when climbing stairs is always a good idea, as this may help take some pressure off your knees. Finally, be sure to wear supportive shoes with good arch support to help reduce the stress on your knees.
Why You May Have Knee Pain When Walking Up the Stairs