How to Kill Viruses

 Take a day or two off work or school and do low-energy activities like watching a movie or sleeping in bed.[1] Other low-energy activities you can do if you can’t sleep include:Reading a book, catching up on your favorite TV show, listening to music in bed, and calling someone on the phone.
Be aware that antibiotics are not effective against viral infections and that, in general, you need to simply rest and allow your body to combat the virus.Drink water, tea, natural juice, and drinks with electrolytes to stay hydrated.[2]Try to stay away from alcohol or caffeinated beverages, as these types of drinks can actually dehydrate you further.Viruses are contagious, which means that you can actually pass the virus to others, making them sick as well. Being around other people can also put you at risk of being exposed to other microorganisms like bacteria, which could make you more sick than you already are.Take at least two days off of work or school to avoid getting other people sick.
If you absolutely have to go into work or school, wear a mask to prevent others from becoming infected.
The mask will prevent contagious particles from spreading through the air, especially if you are coughing or sneezing.The humid air can help ease your congestion and cough. It’s especially helpful to use a humidifier in your room at night as you try to fall asleep. This will help you to sleep better, and a better quality sleep equates to improved healing capacity. Be sure that your humidifier is clean to prevent any air contamination (such as with molds) that could potentially worsen your symptoms rather than improve them.Vitamin C is considered a powerful immune system boosters. Because of this, it is recommended to increase your intake of vitamin C while you are dealing with a virus.[3] Aside from taking a vitamin C supplement, you can also:Eat fruits that have high amounts of vitamin C. These include grapefruit, kiwi, strawberries, lemon, lime, blackberries, oranges, papaya, pineapple, pomelo, and raspberries.[4]
Eat vegetables that are rich in vitamin C. These include Brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions, garlic, red and green peppers, tomatoes, and radishes. You can also consider making vegetable soup, if you don’t like eating raw veggies.[5]