Most Nutrient Dense Foods On The Planet [Superfoods] Foods High In Nutrients |Most Nutritious foods

Almonds are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids (i.e. the good fats), which can promote your cardiovascular health. We love them in everything from crostinis to pie crust and every salad topping in between. They are also a yummy snack on their own, and can definitely satisfy a craving for something salty and crunchy.One of the most popular nutritional superfoods over the last few years are these teeny tiny black seeds. You can make a versatile chia pudding or add them as a topping on your bowl of oatmeal or whirl into smoothies for an added boost of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.Perfect as a snack on their own, whether roasted or candied, or baked into biscotti, pumpkin seeds shouldn’t be overlooked. Not only do they have anti-inflammatory properties, but they’re high in zinc, which helps support your immune system.
The World’s Most Nutritious Foods, According to Science