Pup Pilates: How to workout at home with your dog!

Puppies spend their days doing three things: eating, sleeping, and being wide awake.
When your puppy is up and about, it needs plenty of time to play, be stimulated, and run around.
So make sure that before you start work, and during your coffee and lunch breaks, you play fast-paced games with your puppy. Not only will it help to tire them out so that they sleep while you work, but it will also get them used to your working routine.According to dogsforgood.org, bonding can take many forms, including:
Having a cuddle on the sofa
Going for a walk
Playing together
Teaching your dog tricks
Training your dog to behave appropriately.
Bonding with your dog will also help them to get used to you and allow you to teach them basic obedience commands like ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ when you need some time to work without distractions.According to the American Kennel Club, socialization is crucial in the first six months of life because it will learn how to behave in a variety of different situations and will have the chance to interact with people and children.
When you socialize your puppy, it will:
Be less fearful of children
Get used to riding in the car
Will learn good manners while playing with dogs and interacting with people
Will be relaxed at home and more likely to chill while you need to work.Walk your puppy at least once a day, but more if you have an active dog, and make sure that you give it time to sniff, relieve itself, play, and explore.Try to give your puppy its regular meals at the same time every day, and use the same place to feed it.Not only will this help you toilet-train your puppy, but it will give you a mini-break from work and help your bonding. Although this takes time, patience, and repetition, it will save you time and mental anguish in the long run.
If you cannot stick to the routine for whatever reason, consider getting your family members or friends to fill in for you while you’re busy.The American Kennel Club suggests that using positive rewards like treats is a great way to start.
This is called positive reinforcement training and it is an effective, positive and cruelty-free way to let your dog know it is doing the right thing.
Most dogs respond with a tasty treat. So the next time your puppy does the right thing, like sitting on command or being quiet while you’re on a conference call, praise it with a treat and a hearty ‘good dog!’.Enroll your puppy in a local training group and enjoy a training session with like-minded pet owners.
If you don’t have the finances for regular professional training help, there are many excellent resources online that you can use for free, when and where it suits you.
Once you have confidence in the basics, there’s no reason why you can’t teach your puppy to ‘stay’, ‘lie down’, and ‘be quiet’.
Not only will regular training help you to manage your puppy’s behavior while you’re working, but it will also come in useful when you’re out in public or going for a walk.
You can start training your puppy the very first day that you bring it home.
10 Best Tips for Working From Home With a Puppy