Stress is KILLING You | This is WHY and What You Can Do | Dr. Joe Dispenza (Eye Opening Speech)

In the past year, nearly three quarters (74%) of people in the UK have felt so stressed they were left struggling to cope, according to a Mental Health Foundation survey.

“Rather than the fight or flight response to certain situations being activated and then diminishing once the nerve-wracking event has passed, the response persists, and our stress hormones are triggered repeatedly,” Dr Atkinson said.

The long-term activation of the fight or flight system causes cortisol to flood our bloodstream, disrupting important bodily functions.

Over time, sufferers may endure digestive problems, weight gain, and even heart disease, according to the Mayo Clinic.

61% reported battling anxiety and 51% had depression.

In severe cases, 32% of those who felt stressed at some point in their life admitted to having suicidal thoughts.

“There is evidence the brain’s neurotransmitters and hormones, which form part of the typical stress response, can become distorted in the face of traumatic events,” Dr. Atkinson said.

“This causes people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to experience ‘false alarms’, as the amygdala – a part of the brain that deals with fear – becomes hyperactive, resulting in panic episodes that may be extreme in nature.

“Ultimately, research supports the manifestations of long-term stress can kill.”

Stress can affect you emotionally, mentally and physically, according to the NHS.

Emotionally, many feel overwhelmed, ‘wound up’ and anxious.

Feeling frazzled may also put a downer on their mood, leave them unable to enjoy themselves and cause a looming sense of dread, according to the charity Mind.

Others may become anxious and afraid or feel neglected and lonely.

Struggling to cope with stressful situations can also take its toll on our mental wellbeing.

Many battle racing thoughts, constant worrying, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

Perhaps surprisingly, stress can also affect us physically.

In more severe cases, sufferers may hyperventilate, have panic attacks, grind their teeth, endure chest pain or see their blood pressure rise.

Can stress kill you?