The Most Effective Chest Exercises

Barbell Bench Press

Why it’s on the list: It’s popular to hate on the bench press these days, but it’s one of the most popular lifts in the gym for a reason. For one, the standard barbell bench allows you to move the most weight. It’s also an easier lift to control than pressing with heavy dumbbells. The exercise is also relatively easy to spot—so don’t be afraid to ask for one!

The bench press also responds well to classic protocols like 5×5 for muscle and strength, or even 10×10, aka German Volume Training, for pure mass. If you want to get serious, there are systematic bench press programs like Bench 300 to help you chase a big number.Bench toward the start of your chest workout for heavy sets in lower rep ranges, such as 5-8 reps. There are better moves for high-rep chest burnouts. Vary your grip width and style for more complete chest development.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Why it’s on the list: Whether dumbbell or barbell presses are better for growth is an age-old weight-room debate. Luckily, you can do both! But there’s little doubt that the dumbbell variation has more versatility throughout the beginning, middle, and end of a chest workout.

Some other big plusses for dumbbells: Each side’s musculature must work independently, creating more balanced strength and size. Dumbbells also allow a longer range of motion, which some studies say can lead to muscle growth. Plus, you can more easily tweak your grip to create variety and a new stimulus on chest day.