Two Sleeping Positions You Must Avoid – Dr Mandell

The worst sleeping positions are:
Sleeping on your stomach. This position puts a lot of strain on your neck and back. It can also make it difficult to breathe.
Sleeping on your side with your arms under your pillow. This position can put pressure on your nerves and blood vessels, and it can also cause your shoulders to hunch.
Sleeping on your back with your head tilted to one side. This position can put strain on your neck and shoulders.
If you find that you wake up with pain or discomfort, try sleeping in a different position. You may also want to try using a pillow between your knees or under your neck to help support your body.
Here are some of the best sleeping positions:
Sleeping on your back. This is the best position for your spine. To get the most out of this position, place a pillow under your knees and another under your neck.
Sleeping on your side. This is the second best position for your spine. To get the most out of this position, place a pillow between your knees and another behind your back.
Sleeping on your side with a pillow under your stomach. This position can help to relieve back pain.