Your Coworkers Are Not Your Friends – I Learned The Hard Way!

Belittling and insulting others: Making derogatory comments, name-calling, or putting others down.
Gossip and spreading rumors: Talking negatively about coworkers behind their backs.
Exclusionary behavior: Intentionally leaving others out or making them feel unwelcome.
Passive-aggressive behavior: Using indirect or manipulative tactics to express anger or frustration.
Sabotaging others’ work: Intentionally hindering or undermining a coworker’s efforts.
Creating a hostile work environment: Making others feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or discriminated against.
It’s important to recognize that mean behavior can be harmful and have a negative impact on both individual well-being and workplace morale. If you’re experiencing mean behavior from a coworker, consider talking to them directly or seeking support from a supervisor or HR representative.

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