5 Common Medications That Can Damage Your Liver | Healthy Care

Opens in a new window www.drugwatch.com Acetaminophen medication Opens in a new window www.amazon.com Ibuprofen medication Opens in a new window coopercomplete.com Statins medication Opens in a new window www.medi-vet.com Amoxicillinclavulanate medication Important Note: This list is not exhaustive. There are many other medications that can damage the liver. It is important to talk to…

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Two mothers die after receiving BBL; safer alternatives

Whether there’s a safer alternative to surgery depends on the specific procedure you’re considering. However, there are often minimally invasive or non-invasive options to explore with your doctor. Here’s a breakdown: Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS): Non-invasive Treatments: Here’s how to find the safest alternative for you: Additional Resources: Remember, the best course of action depends…

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How to Reduce Inflammation Naturally (Live Chat Stream| Dr Mandell

Chronic inflammation can contribute to various health issues. Luckily, there are natural ways to manage it: Diet: What you eat plays a big role in inflammation. Here’s what to focus on: Lifestyle changes: Certain habits can significantly reduce inflammation: Supplements: While not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle, some supplements may help: Remember: Sources

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