1 Cup Removes Lung Inflammation… Dissolve Mucus & Phlegm in Respiratory Tract | Dr. Mandell

Inflammation is a natural process that helps your body heal and defend itself from harm.Chronic inflammation may last for weeks, months, or years — and may lead to various health problems.Inflammation is your body’s way of protecting itself from infection, illness, or injury.
As part of the inflammatory response, your body increases its production of white blood cells, immune cells, and substances called cytokines that help fight infection (1Trusted Source).
Classic signs of acute (short-term) inflammation include redness, pain, heat, and swelling.
On the other hand, chronic (long-term) inflammation often occurs inside your body without any noticeable symptoms. This type of inflammation can drive illnesses like diabetesheart diseasefatty liver disease, and cancerInflammation is a protective mechanism that allows your body to defend itself against infection, illness, or injury. It can also occur on a chronic basis, which can lead to various diseases.Vegetable oils used in many processed foods are another possible culprit. Regular consumption may result in an imbalance of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, which some scientists believe may promote inflammationExcessive intake of alcohol and processed meat can also have inflammatory effects on your bodyAntioxidants work by reducing levels of free radicals. These reactive molecules are created as a natural part of your metabolism but can lead to inflammation when they’re not held in checkYour anti-inflammatory diet should provide a healthy balance of protein, carbs, and fat at each meal. Make sure you also meet your body’s needs for vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water.
One diet considered anti-inflammatory is the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to reduce inflammatory markers, such as CRP and IL-6Some foods are associated with an increased risk of chronic inflammation.
Consider minimizing:
Sugary beverages: Sugar-sweetened drinks and fruit juices
Refined carbs: White bread, white pasta, etc.
Desserts: Cookies, candy, cake, and ice cream
Processed meat: Hot dogs, bologna, sausages, etc.
Processed snack foods: Crackers, chips, and pretzels
Certain oils: Processed seed and vegetable oils like soybean and corn oil
Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumptionInclude plenty of these anti-inflammatory foods:
Vegetables: Broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.
Fruit: Especially deeply colored fruits like blueberries, pomegranates, grapes, and cherries
High fat fruits: Avocados and olives
Healthy fats: Olive oil and avocado oil
Fatty fish: Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, and anchovies
Nuts: Almonds and other nuts
Peppers: Bell peppers and chili peppers
Chocolate: Dark chocolate
Spices: Turmeric, fenugreek, cinnamon, etc.
Tea: Green tea
Red wine: Studies suggest that a compound called resveratrol in wine has anti-inflammatory properties and may benefit health (39Trusted Source)