10 Foods to Eat To Lose Weight | Lose 10lb A Week Eating this | Eat Healthy

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and dark leafy greens like kale and arugula. Their health benefits are vast, and a growing body of research links regular consumption of these vegetables to a lower risk of cancer and reduced inflammation. They’re also low in calories and carbohydrates, making them the perfect nonstarchy addition to any weight-loss plan. These vegetables are simple to include throughout the week. Use them as the hearty base for meal-prep salads or as a low-carb swap for grains, or blend them into smoothies.Apples are especially good to have on hand throughout the week because they’re inexpensive, keep for weeks in the fridge and make for a super-portable snack. You can also get creative and work them into meals. Apples are delicious atop salads and toast or whirred into soups and smoothies. Because of their high water content and fiber (be sure to eat the skin), apples are low in calories and filling. Research suggests these factors play a role in helping people lose weight. Research shows that deprivation of certain foods or food groups can lead to intense cravings and may cause bingeing after avoiding the foods for a period of time. Including foods you enjoy but initially perceive to be off-limits, like chocolate, may help you stick with a weight-loss plan. Including an ounce of dark chocolate (aim for 70% cacao content or higher for the greatest antioxidant boost) might be just the indulgence you need to stay on track. You’ll also benefit from its heart-healthy and mood-boosting perks.
