Pilates’ main focus is on core however, you can expect to see strength gains in your arms and legs.  Positions and movements used to activate core rely on extremities to control &/or apply loads to the core and likewise will benefit from Pilates.Pilates is great for strengthening and toning with a focus your core and for increasing your flexibility.  Since it is not designed to be an aerobic activity, don’t forget your cardio!
Pilates involves precise moves and specific breathing techniques. It’s not for you if you prefer a less structured program. It also won’t fit your needs if you are looking for an aerobic workout.
Pilates can be very demanding, so start slowly. Instructors do not have to be licensed, so it’s best to get recommendations before selecting one.Ask your doctor if Pilates would be a good choice if you have chronic low back pain. It will help strengthen your weak core muscles that may be adding to your pain. For the best results, seek out a Pilates instructor who has at least several years of experience working with people with low back pain.
If you are pregnant check with your doctor. They will probably let you continue Pilates if you are already doing it, as long as your pregnancy is going well. There may be some changes needed as your belly grows. For example, after your first trimester you shouldn’t exercise while lying flat on your back because this reduces blood flow to your baby. There are also special Pilates programs for pregnant women that you can try.