How to Reduce Inflammation Naturally (Live Chat Stream| Dr Mandell

Chronic inflammation can contribute to various health issues. Luckily, there are natural ways to manage it:

Diet: What you eat plays a big role in inflammation. Here’s what to focus on:

  • Anti-inflammatory foods: Pack your plate with fruits, vegetables, especially leafy greens and brightly colored ones. Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Include nuts, seeds, and olive oil in your diet for their healthy fats.
  • Limit inflammatory foods: Reduce red meat, processed meats, refined carbohydrates (like white bread and pastries), sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats (like trans fats).

Lifestyle changes: Certain habits can significantly reduce inflammation:

  • Regular exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.
  • Quality sleep: Strive for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.
  • Manage stress: Chronic stress can worsen inflammation. Explore relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight can contribute to inflammation.

Supplements: While not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle, some supplements may help:

  • Fish oil: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Curcumin: Found in turmeric, it has potent anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamin D: Deficiency is linked to inflammation.


  • It’s always best to consult your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take medications.
  • These are general recommendations. If you have a specific health concern, consult your doctor for a personalized plan to manage inflammation.

