BEST Varicose Vein Home Treatments! [Top 25 Spider Veins Remedies]

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted blood vessels that bulge just under your skin’s surface. These blue or purple bulges usually appear in your legs, feet and ankles. They can be painful or itchy. Spider veins, which may surround varicose veins, are smaller red or purple lines that appear close to your skin’s surface.In some cases, severe varicose veins can lead to serious health problems, such as blood clots. You can relieve most varicose vein symptoms at home or your healthcare provider can treat them with injections, laser therapy or surgery.

Varicose veins and spider veins are both types of venous disease, but they look different. Spider veins are smaller and thinner than varicose veins. They look like red or blue spider webs or branches of a tree, and they are close to the skin’s surface.

Spider veins aren’t usually painful. They can appear anywhere on your body, most often behind your knee, on your feet or on your face. Varicose veins usually appear on your feet and legs.

 Certain factors increase your chances of developing varicose veins, including:

  • Age: Because of the aging process, vein walls and valves don’t work as well as they once did. Veins lose elasticity and stiffen.
  • Gender: Female hormones can allow the walls of the veins to stretch. People who are pregnant, taking the birth control pill or going through menopause have a higher risk of varicose veins because of changes in hormone levels.
  • Family history: This condition can be inherited (runs in families).
  • Lifestyle: Standing or sitting for long periods decreases circulation. Wearing restrictive clothing, such as girdles or pants with tight waistbands can decrease blood flow.
  • Overall health: Certain health conditions, such as severe constipation or certain tumors, increase pressure in the veins.
  • Tobacco use: People who use tobacco products are more likely to develop varicose veins.
  • Weight: Excess weight puts pressure on blood vessels.
  • Overall health: Certain health conditions, such as severe constipation or certain tumors, increase pressure in the veins.
  • Tobacco use: People who use tobacco products are more likely to develop varicose veins.
  • Weight: Excess weight puts pressure on blood vessels.