Blurry vision, brain fog, and increased ocular pressure, due to Intracranial Hypertension

Retinal Detachment: The delicate retinal tissue in the back of the eye can tear away from the wall, resulting in a loss of nerve and blood supply to the tissue. You’ll experience symptoms such as blurry vision, flecks, and flashing lights. Emergency treatment is essential to avoid permanent vision loss.
Stroke: The blurred vision might not be caused by an eye issue, but instead, it is a problem happening with the brain. A stroke can affect the area of the brain that controls vision and might affect either one or both eyes.
Glaucoma: A specific type of glaucoma, known as angle-closure glaucoma, is a condition that affects the drainage system in the eye. As a result, the pressure builds up quickly, resulting in pain, redness, and blurred vision.
Macular Degeneration: The macula is located in the center of the retina. If abnormal blood vessels start to grow, it can cause fluid and blood to leak into the macula – causing blurry vision. This condition can happen suddenly and have rapid progression.
Eye Injury: An accident or injury can cause blood to pool in the front of the eyeball, known as a hyphema. This condition can cause blurred vision and increasing pain due to the building pressure.
14 Common Causes of Blurry Vision & What to Do Next