Discover the Incredible Health Benefits of Jogging!

Jogging is a fairly simple exercise. It requires no special equipment, you don’t have to go to the gym to do it, and you can burn around 398 calories in a single hour from this workout!

 For some, it can feel tedious and tiring, especially if you don’t have access to a large enough space to run around in. But jogging has tons of health benefits that can make those hassles all the more worth it.

With obesity levels increasing all around the world, it’s more important than ever that you add some form of exercise routine to your daily schedule. Jogging might just be the perfect exercise for you, and its positive sides definitely make it a great option.

The Harvard Medical School found that most forms of standard physical exercise, including walking, running, and jogging, do not actually negatively impact the risk of developing arthritis. As a matter of fact, jogging has more benefits for the joints and bones and can make them stronger, reducing arthritis risk!

Studies have found that jogging has positive effects on bone density. This is because regular jogging activities put more pressure on the bones than they are used to, so bone tissue starts to prepare for and adapt to the additional load, protecting bones and tissue from damage and making them strong.

This is because it strengthens cartilage and is actually able to boost the biochemistry and composition of joint cartilage. So not only does moderate running make healthy joints healthier, but it also is a good way to prevent the onset of knee osteoarthritis in those vulnerable to the disease.

  • With that being said, jogging is one of the most bottom-stressful of the trifecta of standard physical exercise: walking, jogging and running.
  • As such, if you already have bad knees or already have arthritis, the extra lower-body stress of jogging may not be suitable for you.
  • Speak to your doctor before starting to jog if you have joint pain in your legs.
  • You should also speak to a doctor if your legs or knees hurt after jogging.
  • On top of that, jogging is a great way to help the metabolism increase significantly. This is because a lack of activity can cause the metabolism to slowly deteriorate, causing much slower calorie burning. This can be why you find yourself gaining more weight. Getting back into the habit of exercising can lead to a smoother, faster metabolism.
  • But how much, exactly, can a run burn?
  • Running a 9-minute mile can burn between 290 calories and 365 calories within thirty minutes.
  • A slightly slower 5-mile-per-hour jog run can burn between 240 and 355 calories within that time, too.
  • All in all, jogging will provide highly positive results when it comes to calorie-burning for weight loss.
  • 90% of people who lose weight successfully consider exercise the main reason behind that success. But it must be done properly, and you should be exercising moderately, not overdoing it or doing it too little. Really looking to burn those calories? Jog uphill at a relatively moderate to fast pace for up to an hour several times a week.
Science Explains 6 Benefits Of Jogging