Don’t Ignore These Early Symptoms of Parasites In Your Body

Symptoms are the often the first and sometimes only sign. Intestinal parasites can cause a whole list of problems in the body. These symptoms might be anywhere from very mild to very severe. Here are the serious parasite symptoms to look for:

  • You might have diarrhea or loose stool, lasting for a few days to a few weeks.
  • You might suddenly lose weight – if you lose at least ten pounds over two months without dieting, that’s a warning sign.
  • You are exhausted for long periods of time, and it doesn’t resolve with sleep.
  • You might feel abdominal pain and cramping.
  • You might suffer from itching around the anus. If there is no rash, that’s an even more sure sign that you might have parasites.
  • You might have gas or bloating, or even nausea and vomiting.
  • You might notice that your stool looks different. Some people might even notice a worm, alive or dead, in the stool.

The type of problem you have might depend upon the parasites. Symptoms of tapeworms, for example, include feeling dizzy, incoherent thinking, hunger pains, poor digestion, low or high blood sugar levels, sudden allergies, and an overall toxic feeling.

Keep in mind that parasites are not limited to only certain countries or certain foods. In fact, roundworms are very common, and might affect a full 25% of the world’s population – that’s one in every four people. Roundworms include various species, such as hookworms, whipworms, trichinae and pinworms. They aren’t small, either – some roundworms can grow to the size of pencils.Garlic oil and garlic extract have been proven to fight parasites by inhibiting their function. Two fresh cloves of garlic per day might be enough to stop the parasites from making a home in your body. It is especially good to try this if you are traveling to a country that is known for parasite infestations.

  • Black walnut extract

This has been shown to make the body inhospitable to parasites, as well as soothe the symptoms of parasites, such as diarrhea and vomiting. Try taking 1000 mg of black walnut extract three times a day, washing it down with plenty of water. But keep in mind that there are some issues with this – those who are pregnant or nursing should not take it, and those who have other medical conditions should use only when under the advice of a physician.This tasty tea has been shown to kill or paralyze parasites, and so can be used to help ward them off. A cup of this tea three times a day for no more than ten days should be enough. However, remember that wormwood tea is related to absinthe, and so should be used sparingly – and only if labeled “thujone-free.” As with black walnut, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and those with certain medical conditions should not take wormwood tea.If none of the natural remedies work to remedy your parasite symptoms, you might have to speak to the doctor about medications that can help. These pharmaceutical drugs are very toxic; they are trying to kill a living thing inside your body, and so they must be very strong. You can expect to see some side effects when taking medication for parasites, including swelling of the hands, feet and lymph nodes, as well as diarrhea.