• Apply lip balm regularly. This will help to keep your lips hydrated and prevent them from drying out. Look for a lip balm that contains moisturizing ingredients such as petrolatum, beeswax, or shea butter.
  • Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is important for overall health, and it can also help to prevent dry lips. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day.
  • Avoid licking your lips. Saliva can actually make your lips drier, so it’s best to avoid licking them. If your lips feel dry, apply a lip balm instead.
  • Protect your lips from the sun. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your lips and make them dry. When you’re outdoors, wear a lip balm with SPF protection.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking can irritate your lips and make them more susceptible to dryness. If you smoke, quitting is the best way to protect your lips.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet can help to keep your skin healthy, including your lips. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

If your dry lips are severe or don’t improve with home treatment, see a doctor. There may be an underlying medical condition that is causing your dry lips.

Here are some additional tips to help prevent dry lips:

  • Avoid hot drinks. Hot drinks can dry out your lips, so it’s best to drink them at room temperature.
  • Avoid spicy foods. Spicy foods can irritate your lips and make them more susceptible to dryness.
  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol can dehydrate your skin, including your lips.
  • Avoid caffeine. Caffeine can dehydrate your skin, including your lips.
  • Avoid harsh soaps and detergents. Harsh soaps and detergents can dry out your skin, including your lips. Use a mild soap and avoid washing your lips too often.
  • Use a humidifier. A humidifier can add moisture to the air, which can help to prevent dry lips.