Get Rid of Love Handles | Abs Workout

“Love handles” are excess fatty areas that sit on either side of the waist above the hips. While body fat spot reduction is not possible, people wanting to minimize the appearance of love handles may consider trying a few exercises to help tone their abs and hips.Love handles occur due to fat retention around the hips and abdominal area. People can try to take measures to minimize love handles, including regular exercise and maintaining a moderate weight. People may also consider avoiding tight clothing to further reduce the appearance of love handles.
Love handles are not dangerous in themselves, or anything to be ashamed of. People do not have to try to remove them if they do not wish to. That said, love handles can signal obesity, which may lead to a higher risk of certain conditions.The term “love handles” first appeared in the late 1960s. It refers to any weight that may have accumulated around the sides of an individual’s waist. This weight may also be visible extending over the edge of their pants or skirt.
“Muffin top” is another term people may use to describe body fat that extends above the edge of their waistline. The term references the shape of a muffin in a muffin case.Bicycle crunches involve an individual lying flat on their back with their legs lifted and knees bent.
The individual then contracts their abdominal muscles and twists their right elbow toward their left knee while fully extending their right leg. They then repeat this on the opposite side, 15–30 times.Side planks involve an individual initially lying on one side, using one arm to prop themselves up. They place one leg on top of the other, forming a straight line. They then raise their hips off theMountain climbers begin in a plank position. A person then brings their right knee up toward their chest while keeping their left leg extended. They hold this position briefly before switching legs in a swift movement, so that their left knee is now up by their chest. ground and hold this position for 30 seconds. They then repeat this on the other side.The person then twists their torso toward the left side and holds the position. They then turn their torso toward the right and hold. They can repeat this exercise for 30 repetitions.
To increase difficulty, people can perform the exercise with a weight.Fat cells accumulate when a person consumes more calories than they burn. Over time, this excessive consumption can lead to fat accumulation, especially in areas surrounding an individual’s hips and waist.
While fat can accumulate in any part of the body, fat storage is more common in certain areas of the body such as the abdominal area, hips, and lower back.
Many factors may influence body fat distribution and can contribute to the development of love handles, such as:Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate bodily processes. Certain hormones such as leptin, insulin, sex hormones, and growth hormones can influence appetite, metabolism, and body fat distribution.Both sleep deprivationTrusted Source
 and stress can affect cortisol levels. Cortisol is a glucocorticoid that affects metabolism, boosts appetite, and causes an individual’s body to store more fat.
People with obesity may have fluctuations in their hormone levels, which may encourage the accumulation of body fat.Love handles are not dangerous in themselves. But obesity and body fat accumulation may lead to a higher risk of certain conditions such as:
type 2 diabetes
sleep apneaTrusted Source
cancerTrusted Source
hypertensionTrusted Source
heart diseaseTrusted Source
cardiometabolic conditionsTrusted Source
kidney disease
liver disease