How To Grow Broccoli Sprouts At Home – SUPER EASY!

Brussel sprouts are full of dietary fiber, and they’re an excellent source of Vitamin D, C, and folic acid. Brussel sprouts also contain high levels of polyphenol plant compounds known as “glucosinolates.” Nutritional science believes that these compounds could have a preventative effect on cancer.

Brussels will grow slowly throughout the season, reaching maturity in around 26 to 31-weeks, depending on the growing conditions and the climate. These plants like cold conditions, and it’s one of the few vegetables you can harvest from September through to early February.

Brussel sprouts are hardy plants that prefer colder climates. Some varieties do well in warmer regions, but this wintertime plant will do best in the northern states of the US. You’ll need to ensure you stake the plants in the autumn to prevent winds from blowing over the long stems.

Brussel sprouts prefer firm and nutritious soils to produce the tasty sprouts, and it’s best to leave the earth to rest for at least 4 to 6-months before planting.Sprouts are hardy plants and will grow in most sites but will need to be staked in autumn in exposed areas to prevent blowing over in high winds.

Plant the seed at just under an inch deep in the tray, and the seeds should germinate within 7 to 12-days. After germination finishes, the seedlings are ready for transplanting into the garden 4-weeks later.

If you’re using a propagator system or a heat tray to assist germination, make sure that you check that the seedlings don’t turn spindly. After all, your seedlings start to appear, pull out the weaker-looking seedlings, and prepare the more vigorous seedlings for the garden.

After planting your Brussel sprouts in the veggie beds, water deeply, and then let the soil dry out over the next two to three days. Allowing the soil to dry out a bit between watering helps the roots grow as they search the ground for water.

If you live in a warm climate, water your sprouts every other day. If your Brussels sprouts are grown in colder climates, twice a week is enough watering to ensure optimal growth.

Overwatering leads to waterlogging of the soil around the plant’s roots. Saturated soil eventually leads to the development of root rot and the death of your Brussel sprouts.