Learn The Warning Signs of Suicide | Mark Henick, Mental Health Advocate

Mark Henick, a mental health advocate and suicide survivor, discusses the warning signs of suicide in an episode of The Inner Path Seekers Project podcast [Mark Henick, Mental Health Advocate]. If you are having thoughts of suicide, please reach out to a crisis hotline or mental health professional. Here are the warning signs of suicide according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention [AFSP]:
Direct talk of suicide:Ā If someone says they are going to kill themselves, take it seriously.
Increased feeling of hopelessness, isolation, or anxiety
Feeling like a burden to others
Increased anger or rage
Withdrawal from friends, family and activities they used to enjoy
Making arrangements for death
Sudden changes in mood

Talking about feeling like they have no reason to live
Increased use of alcohol or drugs
Looking for a way to harm themselves
If you see any of these signs in someone you know, please reach out to them and offer your help. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or visit their website [AFSP].
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Mark Henick, Mental Health Advocate