Magnesium Foods for Chronic Pain, Neuropathy & Sleep? [BIG Mistake]

Magnesium sulfate may not only decrease the amount of opioid consumption but also lessen pain intensity after surgery [46]. These effects of magnesium were demonstrated in various types of surgery. Jarahzadeh et al. reported that the intravenous use of magnesium sulfate (50 mg/kg) could provide effective analgesia and reduce requirement and adverse events of morphine after abdominal hysterectomy under general anesthesia. In other studies on obese patients who underwent open or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, postoperative pain and opioid requirement were significantly lower in patients treated with magnesium sulfate [27,28,31]. A study of liver transplantation showed that the intravenous administration of magnesium sulfate could reduce the requirement of tramadol and the need for mechanical ventilation [32]. Abdelgalil et al. [34] suggested that the administration of a combined preoperative single dose of pregabalin (300 mg) and magnesium sulfate infusion (50 mg/kg) may be an effective method for enhancing postoperative analgesia and reducing total morphine use after thoracotomy.Oral magnesium also affects pain control. The pain attenuation effect of orally-administered magnesium was observed by Jerkovic et al. [53] in patients who underwent surgical removal of their lower third molar. Patients who were administered oral magnesium before and after surgery showed lower pain intensity and degree of trismus. Postoperative sore throat (POST) is a common complication after tracheal intubation.