Puppy thinks hair dryer is a flame thrower | German Shepherd

Start early. You may still hear advice circulating that you shouldn’t groom — and especially bathe — your puppy before it is six months old, but modern professional advice is to start easing into the grooming/bathing process as soon as possible.By starting the process early, your puppy can be ready for a full grooming session by sixteen weeks of age, about the time when its regimen of puppy shots will be complete.Provide treats and rewards early and often as you prepare your puppy for the grooming process. Reward as you begin a practice session, and during and after each step of the process — holding, handling feet, ears, etc., putting brush to fur, and so on.
Practice holding your puppy still — gently but firmly. Do not respond when it squirms, but immediately release and reward it when it stops resisting. Teach that relaxation is rewarded, resistance is not.
If your puppy learns the simple equation “grooming = treats” early on, it will be a more agreeable participant in the process for life.Conduct several dry runs. Don’t introduce your puppy to grooming by yanking out knots with a brush then dunking the little guy into a tub. Instead, introduce the elements of each step in the process slowly, gently, and with plenty of encouragement and rewarding.[1]Let your puppy examine and sniff the brush before you use it. Start by gently applying the brush to fur for no more than two minutes, then give a reward. Repeat the process several times a day, slowly increasing the brushing sessions.
Handle and touch sensitive areas, like paws and ears, for several days before attempting to groom them. Allow your pup to become familiar with the sensation of contact in these areas.
Touch nails with the clippers before actually trying to cut them, and try the same with scissors on fur. After about five days of simple contact, you can slowly begin to do actual grooming tasks.Establish a routine. Introducing consistency to the grooming process allows your puppy to immediately recognize and respond accordingly. Just as a dog that hates baths will immediately respond negatively to any sign that one is imminent, a puppy that has learned to like them will react with excitement.Play with your puppy for several minutes before any grooming session. This not only introduces the routine, it also helps wear out your little basket full of energy before grooming.
Establish a consistent location for grooming — a mat in the bathroom, a table in the kitchen, wherever it may be. A quiet, comfortable location will work best