Stop Waking Up to Pee at Night: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing Nocturia for Good

Nocturia can lead to: • Fatigue  • Blood sugar problems  • Carb cravings  • Increased cortisol (which affects your mood) • Issues with your cognitive function  This problem happens equally in men and women. Frequent urination in women is often thought to be caused by a urinary tract infection, and frequent urination in men is often thought to be caused by an enlarged prostate. But, while these could be factors, there is something else that is more common. Diabetics nearly always have problems with urinary frequency. People who have diabetes have high blood sugar levels and high levels of insulin (unless they have type 1 diabetes). In a study related to dogs, it was found that when insulin was administered to the dogs, they had significant urine output. Insulin inhibits the adrenal hormones that hold urine. High levels of insulin are also nearly always found in people who have overactive bladder syndrome.  Doctors never seem to test insulin levels. But, I believe the most likely situation that causes urinary frequency is high levels of insulin.  Snacking at night is a big cause of high insulin throughout the night. Even a low-carb snack will raise insulin.  What you can do for nocturia: • Stop snacking at night (don’t eat or drink after 6:30 pm) • Consume less than 30g of carbs per day (Healthy Keto diet)  • Do intermittent fasting