The truth about sugar sweetened beverages | Prof. Walter Willett

Major source of added sugar: They’re a leading culprit for added sugars in most diets, with a single can packing a significant amount. [CDC sugary drinks ON Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)]
Health risks: Regularly consuming SSBs is linked to weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even certain cancers. [Nature Review – Sugar-sweetened beverages] They can also contribute to tooth decay and gout.
Empty calories: SSBs provide a quick burst of energy from sugar but offer minimal to no nutrients.
Deceptive marketing: Be wary of advertising that portrays sugary drinks as healthy or associated with athleticism.
Here’s some additional information to consider:
Health organizations recommend limiting sugary drinks: Many health authorities advise replacing SSBs with water or unsweetened beverages.
Alternatives exist: There are plenty of delicious and healthy options to quench your thirst, like water with fruit slices, unsweetened tea, or low-fat milk.
Overall, sugary drinks can be detrimental to your health when consumed frequently. It’s best to limit your intake and opt for healthier choices.

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