Why Your Knee Hurts. Knee Pain Types By Location & Description.

  • Injury: This can be anything from a sudden impact (like a fall) to overuse injuries caused by repetitive stress. Common injuries include ligament sprains, meniscus tears, and tendonitis.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, the wear-and-tear type of arthritis, is a frequent culprit behind knee pain, especially as we age. It causes inflammation and degeneration of the joint cartilage.
  • Bursitis: Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion your knee joint. Inflammation of these bursae, called bursitis, can lead to knee pain.
  • Overuse: Repetitive activities that put stress on your knees, like running, jumping, or squatting, can lead to overuse injuries.
  • Weight: Carrying excess weight puts extra strain on your knee joints, which can contribute to pain.
  • Improper form during exercise: If you don’t squat or exercise with proper form, you can place undue stress on your knees, leading to pain.
  • Medical conditions: Certain underlying medical conditions, like gout or rheumatoid arthritis, can also cause knee pain.

If you’re experiencing knee pain, it’s important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. They can perform a physical examination, and may recommend imaging tests like X-rays or MRIs to identify the cause of the pain.

Here are some things you can do to help manage knee pain:

  • Rest: Avoid activities that aggravate the pain.
  • Ice: Apply ice packs to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  • Compression: Wear a compression bandage to reduce swelling.
  • Elevation: Elevate your knee above your heart when resting.
  • Over-the-counter pain medication: Pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and inflammation.
  • Physical therapy: Strengthening the muscles around your knee can improve stability and flexibility, reducing pain.

Remember, this information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any concerns about your knee pain, consult a doctor or physical therapist for proper diagnosis and treatment.