100 SQUAT Reps Challenge ( No Equipment/ Perfect for Booty and Legs)

100 Squats in One Set: This is a very challenging version where you aim to complete all 100 squats continuously. This might be difficult for beginners and can potentially lead to muscle strain.
Spreading the Squats Throughout the Day: This is a more manageable approach where you distribute the 100 squats across multiple sets throughout the day. You can choose sets of 10, 20, or any number that works for you, with rest periods in between.
Variations of Squats: Some challenges incorporate different squat variations like jump squats, pulse squats, or pistol squats to keep things interesting and target different muscle groups.
Here are some things to consider before starting the 100 squat challenge:
Listen to your body: Start slow, especially if you’re new to exercise. It’s better to break down the squats into sets or choose modified versions than push yourself to the point of pain.
Warm up and cool down: Proper warm-up prepares your muscles for exercise and a cool-down helps prevent injury and muscle soreness.
Focus on form: It’s more important to perform squats with proper form than to rush through them. Ensure your back is straight, core engaged, and knees track over your toes.
Modify if needed: If you have any knee or mobility issues, modify the squats or consider a different challenge altogether.
Overall, the 100 squat challenge can be a way to add some variety to your workout routine and target your leg muscles. However, it’s important to prioritize proper form and listen to your body to avoid injuries.