5 Ways To Heal Your Relationship With Yourself

Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just like you would a friend going through a tough time. Instead of harsh criticism, offer yourself supportive thoughts and acknowledge that mistakes are part of being human.
Spend time in self-reflection: Dedicate some quiet time each day to checking in with yourself. Notice your feelings without judgment and explore what might be causing them. Journaling can be a helpful tool for this process.
Do things you enjoy: Make time for activities that bring you joy and a sense of fulfillment. This could be anything from reading a good book to spending time in nature or pursuing a creative hobby.
Set boundaries: Learn to say no to things that drain your energy or don’t align with your values. Setting boundaries shows self-respect and allows you to focus on what truly matters.
Practice gratitude: Take some time each day to appreciate the good things in your life, big or small. Focusing on gratitude can shift your perspective and boost your overall well-being.
Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the small wins along the way. If you find yourself struggling, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor.