1. Subtle short-term memory changes: This is often the first sign of dementia and can be easily missed. A person with dementia may forget recent events, conversations, or appointments. They may also have trouble remembering where they placed things or why they entered a room. Opens in a new window www.researchgate.net Subtle shortterm memory changes
  2. Difficulty with familiar tasks: People with dementia may start to have trouble with tasks that were once easy for them, such as cooking, managing finances, or following directions. They may also become lost in familiar places.
  3. Challenges with language and communication: Dementia can affect a person’s ability to communicate. They may have trouble finding the right words, following a conversation, or understanding what others are saying.
  4. Problems with visual and spatial abilities: Dementia can affect a person’s ability to see things in three dimensions. This can make it difficult to drive, judge distances, or navigate stairs.
  5. Poor judgment and decision-making: People with dementia may make poor decisions that could put them at risk, such as giving away money to strangers or driving when they shouldn’t.
  6. Withdrawal from social activities: As dementia progresses, people may withdraw from social activities and hobbies that they once enjoyed. They may become more withdrawn and isolated.

It’s important to note that everyone experiences occasional forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating. However, if you are concerned about yourself or someone you know, it is important to see a doctor to rule out other possible causes of these symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment can help people with dementia live a fuller and more independent life.