Cucumber Juice || Lower Blood Pressure and Detox your body || TERRI-ANN’S KITCHEN

Some of the most important health effects of cucumber juice may include strengthening the kidneys, controlling bleeding disorders, increasing bone mineral density, having anticancer potential, boosting nervous system function, managing hormone production, improving the immune system, supporting vision health, optimizing the metabolism and keeping you hydrated, among others.Cucumber juice has possibly high water content, making these vegetables great for maintaining hydration. In juice form, particularly if you add a bit more water to improve the consistency, you can ensure that your body is adequately hydrated all day! It also provides soothing effects and nourishment to the skin, according to a review in the journal Fitoterapia.f you suffer from bleeding issues, ranging from bloody noses or heavy menstruation to hemorrhoids and bleeding gums, you may be deficient in vitamin K. This vitamin, found in potentially high levels in cucumber juice, can help trigger coagulation in the body and speed the healing of damaged tissues