Denise Austin’s Low-Impact Interval Workout | 7-MIN

  • Walking: This is a great low-impact exercise that can be done almost anywhere. It’s easy on your joints and can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health. You can walk outside, on a treadmill, or at a mall.Opens in a new windowwww.spine-health.comWalking exercise
  • Swimming: Swimming is a great way to get a full-body workout without putting stress on your joints. It’s a low-impact exercise that is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.Opens in a new windowthehealthy.comSwimming exercise
  • Elliptical training: The elliptical trainer is a low-impact exercise machine that simulates stair climbing or running. It’s a great way to get a cardio workout without putting stress on your joints.Opens in a new windowsunnyhealthfitness.comElliptical training exercise
  • Yoga: Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility, strength, and balance. There are many different types of yoga, so you can find one that is right for your fitness level.Opens in a new windowwww.pinterest.comYoga exercise
  • Pilates: Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on strengthening your core muscles. It’s a great way to improve your posture and balance.Opens in a new windowwww.self.comPilates exercise

You can also do low-impact versions of higher-impact exercises. For example, you can do jumping jacks without jumping, or you can do lunges instead of squats.

Here is a sample low-impact workout routine that you can do at home:

  • Warm-up (5 minutes): Light cardio, such as walking or marching in place.
  • Strength training (15-20 minutes): Bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups (modified if needed), rows, and planks.
  • Cardio (20-30 minutes): Low-impact cardio such as walking, swimming, elliptical training, or biking.
  • Cool-down (5 minutes): Stretching.

This is just a sample routine, and you can adjust it to fit your needs and goals. Be sure to listen to your body and take rest days when needed.