Farmer’s Walks: why your body needs farmer’s carry (asap!)

Multi-Muscle Targeting: This exercise isn’t just about biceps. It works your entire body, from your upper back and core down to your legs. Here’s a breakdown of what it hits:
Upper Body: Shoulders, upper back (trapezius), forearms, biceps, triceps
Core: Abs (rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis), obliques
Lower Body: Hips, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves
Functional Strength: Farmer’s carries mimic real-life movements like carrying groceries or luggage. This translates to better strength and stability in everyday activities.
Grip Strength Boost: Holding onto weights challenges your grip strength, which is important for various athletic endeavors and overall hand function.
Core Engagement: To walk steadily with weights in each hand, your core has to kick in to maintain proper posture and stability. This strengthens your core, leading to better balance and injury prevention.
Metabolic Boost: Farmer’s carries can elevate your heart rate, burning calories and contributing to a good cardio workout.
Scalability: This exercise adapts to different fitness levels. You can adjust the weight you carry to make it challenging yet achievable.
Accessibility: Farmer’s carries require minimal equipment, just dumbbells or kettlebells, making them easy to do at the gym or even at home.
Overall, the farmer’s carry is a versatile exercise that offers a range of benefits for strength, core stability, grip strength, and even cardiovascular health. It’s a simple yet effective way to challenge your entire body and improve your overall fitness.