Female Bladder Leakage: Solutions to Get Control‎ | Christopher Tarnay, MD | UCLAMDChat

Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your urine dilute and less irritating to the bladder.
Limit bladder irritants: Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and acidic foods and drinks, as these can worsen bladder control problems.
Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles: Kegel exercises can help to strengthen the muscles that support your bladder and urethra, which can improve bladder control.
Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese can put extra pressure on your bladder, making it more difficult to control.
Empty your bladder regularly: Don’t wait until you feel the urge to go to the bathroom. Emptying your bladder regularly can help to prevent it from becoming too full and overflowing.

If you’re experiencing any concerns about your bladder control, please don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. They can help you find the best way to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
I hope this information is helpful!