Fix Your SNORING & SLEEP APNEA…Sleep Like A Baby Again | Dr. Mandell

nea disrupt sleep, leading to daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and irritability. Fixing them can significantly improve your sleep and overall well-being.
Reduced health risks: Sleep apnea, in particular, is linked to serious health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Treating it can significantly reduce your risk of developing these conditions.
Better relationships: Snoring can be disruptive to your partner’s sleep, leading to frustration and resentment. Addressing it can improve your relationship quality.
Natural vs. medical approaches:
Snoring: There are some lifestyle changes that can help with snoring, such as losing weight, sleeping on your side, and avoiding alcohol before bed. These can be considered “natural” approaches. However, for severe snoring, medical devices like nasal strips or CPAP machines may be necessary.
Sleep apnea: While some lifestyle changes can help with mild sleep apnea, “natural” treatments generally aren’t sufficient for moderate or severe cases. Sleep apnea requires a medical diagnosis and treatment plan developed with a doctor. This may include CPAP therapy, oral appliances, or even surgery in some cases.
Here’s the key takeaway:
Addressing snoring and sleep apnea is important for your health and well-being.
Lifestyle changes can be helpful for mild snoring, but see a doctor for diagnosis and proper treatment, especially for sleep apnea.
Don’t hesitate to discuss “natural” remedies with your doctor to see if they can be part of your overall treatment plan.
Here are some resources you may find helpful:
American Sleep Apnea Association:
Sleep Foundation: