How to STOP Prediabetes Going Into Diabetes

Swap sugary drinks for water or unsweetened tea/coffee. Sugary drinks are like pouring fuel on the fire of prediabetes.
Load up on veggies and fruits. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all diabetes-fighting superstars.
Make friends with whole grains. Ditch the refined carbs and choose brown rice, quinoa, or whole-wheat bread.
Go lean on protein. Choose lean meats, fish, beans, or tofu for your protein power.
Don’t skip the healthy fats. Avocados, nuts, and olive oil are your diabetes-delaying dream team.

Move your body:
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week. Brisk walking, swimming, or dancing are all awesome options.
Break up your sitting time. Get up and move every 30 minutes, even if it’s just a walk around the house.
Find activities you enjoy. You’re more likely to stick with it if it’s fun, so try a new sport, join a dance class, or explore a nature trail.

Make healthy habits stick:
Get enough sleep. Aim for 7-8 hours a night to keep your hormones balanced and your body on track.
Manage stress. Chronic stress can raise blood sugar levels. Try yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature to unwind.
Connect with loved ones. Having a support system can make a huge difference in your motivation.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your doctor, a registered dietitian, or a certified diabetes educator. They’re your partners in prediabetes prevention!

Remember, small changes add up to big results. By making these lifestyle adjustments, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and live a healthier, happier life. It’s like pressing the reset button on your health!