Low Impact OVERWEIGHT Cardio Workout (100kgs above!) | Joanna Soh

Walking: It’s classic for a reason! Walking is accessible, free, and surprisingly effective for burning calories. To boost intensity, walk on an incline, add intervals (brisk bursts followed by recovery walks), or wear ankle weights.

Swimming: The water’s buoyancy takes the pressure off your joints, making swimming a perfect low-impact cardio choice. Try freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, or even just water walking for a great workout.

Elliptical Trainer: This gym staple simulates stair climbing without the actual impact. Adjust the incline and resistance to find your level of challenge.

Cycling: Similar to the elliptical, cycling engages your whole body while being gentle on your joints. Ride outdoors or hit the stationary bike, adjusting the resistance as needed.

Aquatic Exercise: Water aerobics or water Zumba take the fun of group fitness classes to the pool, offering a low-impact cardio workout with resistance from the water.

Dancing: Put on your favorite tunes and shake it out! Dancing is a fun way to get your heart rate up and engage your whole body without any equipment.

Rowing Machine: Rowing engages major muscle groups and provides a great aerobic workout, all while being non-weight-bearing. Adjust the resistance to find your comfortable intensity.

Yoga: Don’t underestimate the cardio potential of yoga! Certain styles like Vinyasa or Power Yoga can get your heart rate up while offering flexibility and strength benefits.

Circuit Training: Combine low-impact exercises like lunges, squats, arm circles, and marches into a circuit with short rest periods for a heart-pumping workout.

Remember, the most important thing is to choose activities you enjoy and find sustainable. Start slow, listen to your body, and gradually increase intensity and duration as you get fitter.

Here are some additional tips for overweight cardio workouts:

  • Wear supportive shoes: Proper footwear is crucial for protecting your joints.
  • Focus on form: Proper form ensures you’re working the right muscles and avoiding injury.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout.
  • Listen to your body: If you feel pain, stop and rest.
  • Make it fun: Choose activities you enjoy to stay motivated.

With the right approach, you can find a low-impact cardio routine that’s effective and enjoyable, helping you reach your fitness goals.