Spray Alcohol on a Mattress, Here’s What Happens

Here are some of the things that happen when you spray alcohol on a mattress:

  • The alcohol will evaporate quickly, so it will not ruin your protective mattress cover or mattress itself.
  • The alcohol will kill some microorganisms, such as bacteria and mold.
  • The alcohol will remove body odors and freshen up the mattress.
  • The alcohol may cause the mattress to smell like alcohol for a while.
  • The alcohol may be flammable, so you should be careful not to spray it near an open flame.

If you are considering spraying alcohol on your mattress, it is important to dilute it with water first. A 60% to 90% dilution is the most effective. You should also avoid spraying the alcohol directly on the mattress, as this could damage the fabric. Instead, spray it onto a cloth and then wipe the mattress with the cloth.

It is important to note that spraying alcohol on your mattress is not a guaranteed way to kill bed bugs. If you are experiencing a bed bug infestation, you should contact a professional pest control company.



  1. www.healthline.com/health/does-rubbing-alcohol-kill-bed-bugs