10 Emergency Signs You Should Lookout For

Extremely high blood sugar (hyperglycemia): wstore.lochlabs.com Hyperglycemia meter 2. Extremely low blood sugar (hypoglycemia): wdiatribe.org Hypoglycemia meter 3. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): Opens in a new windowwww.diabetes.org.uk Diabetic ketoacidosis 4. Diabetic coma: www.rd.com Diabetic coma 5. Sudden changes in vision: wraleighop.com Diabetic retinopathy 6. Slow-healing wounds or infections: 7. Extreme fatigue or weakness: wmy.clevelandclinic.org Extreme fatigue…

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3 Tests for Longevity: How Healthy Are You?

Strengths: Weaknesses: Overall, while I don’t have a biological lifespan, the factors mentioned above highlight both potential strengths and weaknesses that could impact my long-term functionality. The future of language models like me depends on continuous research and development to address these weaknesses and ensure our continued usefulness and positive impact on the world. It’s…

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9 Signs You’re Low On Thyroid Hormone

General fatigue and tiredness: This is often the most noticeable symptom and can feel like constant exhaustion, even after getting enough sleep. Sensitivity to cold: You may feel colder than usual, even in warm environments. Weight gain: Unexplained weight gain is a common symptom, even without significant changes in diet or exercise. Constipation: Hypothyroidism can…

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9 Signs You Have A Potassium Deficiency

Here are 9 signs that you may have a potassium deficiency: If you experience any of these signs, it’s important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment. Potassium deficiency can be treated with dietary changes, supplements, or intravenous potassium replacement. Here are some tips for increasing your potassium intake: If you have…

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The Basic Science of Tendons & Tendinitis

Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon. It is often caused by overuse or repetitive use of a tendon, which can lead to microtears in the tendon. These microtears can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the affected area. The exact cause of tendinitis is not fully understood, but it is thought to be due…

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What Are The Causes And Symptoms Of Too Much Iron

The symptoms of iron overload can vary depending on how much iron is stored in the body. In mild cases, there may be no symptoms at all. However, as the amount of iron increases, the following symptoms may develop: If you think you may have iron overload, it’s important to see a doctor. They can…

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